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Richard Norris, CFO

» Richard Norris, CFO
Richard Norris

Richard Norris, CFA

Chief Financial Officer

A long-time tequila collector and enthusiast (with one of the largest tequila collections in the world), Mr. Norris is proud to be apart of the AgaveLuz team.

Mr. Norris worked in many areas of finance and invested in various businesses over the years:

  • Analyst at the hedge fund Evervest
  • Officer at Bank of New York Mellon Mergers & Acquisitions division
  • Founder and CIO of Blue Chip Macro ( an investment managment, advisory and angel investing firm where Mr. Norris has invested in and help grow various business in various industries.


UC Santa Barbara with High Honors in Business/Economics/Accounting
In 1999, he was the 34,234 person in the world to obtain the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation