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Agaveluz organic tequila
Agaveluz organic tequila

We're bringing back authentic tequila made with only organic tequila & spring water.

Organic tequila is fresh, clean, pure and better for our enviornment.

Pamela Maria De La Luz

Pamela Maria De La Luz, Founder

AgaveLuz Tequila

100% organic additive-free tequila

organic blanco
Organic Reposado
Organic Anejo
Organic extra anejo


In recent years, the demand for organic products has witnessed a remarkable surge, and the world of tequila is no exception. As more and more consumers prioritize sustainability and natural ingredients, organic tequila has gained considerable popularity. Among the best organic tequila brands available today, AgaveLuz Organic Tequila stands out as a leading name, known for its exceptional quality and commitment to organic practices. Join us on a delightful exploration of AgaveLuz organic tequila, extra Añejo tequila, and organic tequila brands.

agaveluz organic tequilaTequila, the iconic Mexican spirit, is crafted from the blue agave plant. To be labeled as organic, tequila production must meet strict standards set by regulatory bodies. These standards require that the agave used for tequila production is cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. Furthermore, the distillation and aging processes must also adhere to organic principles. By embracing these practices, AgaveLuz organic tequila brands ensure that their products are free from harmful chemicals and promote environmental sustainability.


What is the difference between organic and non-organic tequila? 

Organic and non-organic tequila differ in several key aspects, including the cultivation of agave plants, production methods, and the presence of chemical additives. Let’s explore some of the differences between organic and non-organic tequila to understand the agave cultivation, production methods, and environmental impact. 

Agave Cultivation: 

  • For tequila to be labeled as organic, distributors must follow strict guidelines for agave cultivation. The agave plants used for organic tequila are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. Instead, organic farming methods prioritize natural pest control and soil fertility through practices like crop rotation and composting. 

Environmental Impact: 

  • Another positive to tequila being produced organically is that it aims to minimize environmental impact. By avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals, organic farming practices promote soil health, biodiversity, and water conservation. Many of the best organic tequila brands have drip irrigation systems and mulching to help minimize the usage of water and reduce strain on local water resources. All of these practices contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to AgaveLuz organic tequila production. 

Production Methods: 

  • Organic tequila brands ensure purity throughout production, from cultivating agave to fermentation and distillation, adhering strictly to organic principles. Using natural yeasts and avoiding additives, they craft pure agave tequila with authentic flavors.

Flavor and Quality: 

  • Organic tequila brands are celebrated for their pure, authentic flavors derived from organic farming practices. By emphasizing the natural essence of the agave plant, they craft the best authentic tequila that boasts a nuanced, high-quality taste, reflecting the essence of pure tequila.

Certification and Labeling: 

  • To be labeled as organic, tequila brands must meet the specific organic standards set by regulatory bodies. These standards vary depending on the country of production and often involve certification by accredited organic certifying agencies.

best organic tequila brandsOn the other hand, non-organic tequila may involve the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers during agave cultivation.

  • These chemicals can potentially impact the environment and may leave residues on the agave plants. Non-organic tequila production may have a higher environmental impact due to the use of synthetic chemicals. The runoff from chemical-laden fields can potentially contaminate water sources and harm surrounding ecosystems.
  • Non-organic tequila production methods may involve the use of commercial yeasts, artificial additives, and flavorings. These additives can impact the taste and quality of the final product.
  • Non-organic tequila does not adhere to the organic standards and is not certified as organic.
  • The production and labeling of non-organic tequila may be subject to different regulations depending on the country of origin.
  • Non-organic tequila can vary in quality and flavor depending on the production methods and additives used. Some non-organic tequilas may prioritize consistency and mass production over the distinct flavors derived from traditional and organic processes. 

AgaveLuz Organic Tequila: A Commitment to Organic Excellence 

AgaveLuz, an esteemed organic tequila brand, epitomizes organic excellence. Their commitment to organic farming starts with cultivating agave in Jalisco’s volcanic soil, free from synthetic chemicals. This meticulous approach ensures only the finest, pure agave tequila is used. By nurturing agave without compromise, AgaveLuz crafts superior-quality tequila renowned for its authentic flavors. Each sip reflects the essence of their organic dedication, making AgaveLuz a beacon of purity in the tequila industry.


The Remarkable Flavor of AgaveLuz Organic Tequila 

AgaveLuz Organic tequila offers a diverse range of tequila expressions, each boasting a distinct flavor profile that is a testament to their craftsmanship. Among their exceptional collection is the extra Añejo tequila, a premium aged tequila that undergoes a minimum of three years of aging in oak barrels. The extended aging process results in a deep amber hue, offering a visual treat to the eyes. The flavor profile is characterized by notes of caramel, vanilla, and oak, with a touch of spice. The aging process smooths out any harshness, making it exceptionally mellow on the palate. The complexity of flavors makes it a best sipping tequila, meant to be savored and enjoyed slowly. Ideal as a tequila for sipping, the flavors develop and evolve with each sip, creating a unique and indulgent experience. The smoothness and depth of extra Añejo tequila make it a truly luxury tequila and indulgent choice for tequila.

Agaveluz organic tequilaThe surge in the popularity of tequila produced organically can be attributed to the growing consumer demand for products that align with their values of sustainability, health, and authenticity. By opting for some of the best organic tequila brands, consumers not only savor a superior tasting spirit but also support eco-friendly practices that prioritize the preservation of the environment and the well-being of farm workers.

AgaveLuz and other esteemed organic tequila brands have revolutionized the industry by merging traditional craftsmanship with organic principles. Prioritizing sustainability, quality, and clean tequila, they lead as pioneers. With consumers increasingly mindful of their choices, the allure of organically produced, pure agave tequila surges. This trend reflects a desire for a tequila experience that embodies both taste and sustainability. Here’s to the evolution of better-tasting, environmentally-friendly tequila! Cheers to the remarkable journey towards pure agave tequila, where every sip embodies a commitment to the earth and the craft.

We make tequila

Pamela Maria De La Luz

AgaveLuz Founder & CEO

Eladio Montes

Distillery Founder and Master Distiller

Eladio Montes Jr.

Distillery Operations Manager

Juan Carlos Avalos Ramirez

Head of Tequila Production & Lawyer